pronounced: id.ris fahr.ahz.ee
- he/him
- 20
- 6'1''
- sister: vahideh
"I wish for you to know me as I really am. I’m just not sure who that is anymore."
appearance: Idris has dark brown hair, long eyelashes, and light brown skin. He likes to wear sweaters, suits, and vests with floral or paisley patterns. He has a similar aesthetic to Pasha, but in cooler tones. In the summer, he wears a lot of short sleeved button-ups and ties his hair up. His favorite color to wear is dark purple.
history: Idris was born to a middle-class family in Sahan, the capital of the Azardian empire. Under King and Queen Parviz, he was able to go to school and perform as a traditional dancer (Bandari). When he was a teenager, power changed hands to the queens and his life deteriorated. His mother and father were killed in protests, and he was left to take care of his sister, Vahideh. Through this, he grew a hatred of royalty and developed trauma that still haunts him.
- If given red wine, he will quickly get drunk at make it everyone else's problem.
- He suffers from frequent panic attacks.
- He loves violin music.
- He works out every day, partly for dancing, and partly so that he can lift Marin up.
- He has been known to steal Pasha's eyeliner.

pronounced: mar.een parv.eez
- he/him
- 19
- 5'6''
- sister: mahta
- cousin: pasha
"It’s a shame, isn’t it? For our empire to last hundreds of years, through numerous wars, to emerge victorious and all-powerful, the envy of the world… only for less than a decade of oppression to bring it all crashing down."
appearance: Marin has brown eyes and dark curly hair. He has pale skin and a small stature. He wears flowy embroidered overclothes paired with simple pants and ruffled shirts. He prefers to wear bright colors, especially yellow and blue.
history: Marin was born in the royal palace to Afreen before she was queen. As a child, he grew close with Pasha, as he was the only other young boy in the family. When he grew older, he grew lonely and isolated. While the others in the palace found their own passions, Marin kept close to himself. He learned how to sew and found a love in poetry. Even so, he went about through his teen years unfulfilled.
- He prides himself on being a reader of fine literature, but secretly reads the odd romance novel.
- He has read the Shahnameh 3 times over.
- Pasha and Idris love to make fun of his height, much to Marin's annoyance.
- He only wears lace nightgowns to bed. Idris says it's stupid, but actually likes them.
- He can bake better than he can cook, but doesn't do it often.
- His first crush was on the gardener boy that worked in the courtyard. He still has the flowers he gave him.

- he/him
- 27
- 6'3''
- mother: golnar
"Oh for god’s sake. Please...I was trying to be nice. But let me settle this for you. ALL of you. I'm not interested. "
appearance: Pasha has long, wavy brown hair and hazel-ish eyes. He has thin stubble on the sides of his face, like Idris. He usually wears silver or gold earrings to match his outfit. Pasha's preference is to wear patterned shirts with low necklines tucked into loose-fitting pants. He insists that he looks best in red.
history: Pasha was born to Queen Golnar, her only child and the oldest in the palace. Unlike Marin and Mahta, Golnar had strict expectations for Pasha and did not let him freely wander. She assigned him to cook in the kitchen as she believed he had to learn good work ethic. Although he complains about his duties, Pasha does enjoy cooking. However, he was never close to his mother, and felt safest with Afreen. He doesn't care what others think, and generally has an easygoing attitude- though he often worries about Marin.
- His favorite dish to make is tachin.
- He is aromantic-asexual.
- He loves cats, and is the sole caretaker of clover (the palace kitty).
- He is often misgendered by strangers, and they are usually surprised by his deep voice.
- He loves to take naps outside when it's warm. You can often find him fast asleep against a tree near the garden in the summer.